
Citrine Angels July 18th Workshop - Assessing Entrepreneurial Leaders: Best Practices to Invest Smarter in People

louise courage

Please join Citrine Angels for a workshop on July 18 featuring business psychologist Dr. Louise Yochee Klein. This event is open to members and those interested in learning more about Citrine Angels! Members are automatically registered, and others in the angel investment ecosystem can request an invitation by registering at this link.

Assessing Entrepreneurial Leaders: Best Practices to Invest Smarter in People

Ever wish you could better predict how successful entrepreneurs will be? Business …

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Your Check Has Been Cashed: Now What? Life After Investment


On April 19th, Citrine Angels, in partnership with Blu Venture Investors, held a happy hour and panel discussion at Refraction DC. Members gathered to learn more about the intricate processes that occur after an angel investment is made, including how to optimize taxes and how to stay engaged in follow-on rounds. The event was moderated by Citrine Board Member Dr. Kimberly Lumpkins, Chief of Pediatric Surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Featured panelists included Kim Nguye…

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Meet Our Members: Kristalee Montemayor Overdahl


Kristalee Montemayor Overdahl joined Citrine Angels as one its founding members in 2019 and currently co-chairs our governance committee. An avid traveler and an entrepreneur herself as the founder of Virescent Group LLC, learn why she chooses to make time to invest in the next generation of female founders. 

When did you join Citrine Angels?
I joined Citrine Angels at the launch in 2019 after meeting Allyson Redpath at a Chicago Booth Women’s luncheon a couple years before. She was passionate t…

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Meet Our New Members!

In 2022, Citrine Angels turned three years old, and we gained a host of new members! We are thrilled to welcome these diverse and knowledgeable women to our organization. Each of them is strengthening Citrine through their unique skill sets. 

Want to join us? Learn more about becoming a Citrine Angel here.

Learn more about them below:

Archana Mehta

Archana Mehta

Archana Mehta is the founder and CEO of AM Strategies, Inc. Archana brings her expertise in B2B and B2C communications and client engagements t…

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Citrine Angels 2022 Deal Flow: By the Numbers

Deal Flow by the Numbers_ Year in Review

It’s January, and for many of us, that means it’s time to look back on 2022 as we forge ahead into 2023. 

Deal flow, one of the focal points of the Citrine Angels organization, was certainly a high point for us last year. Our Deal Flow Committee – headed by chair Michelle Olenoski and ably assisted by fellows Vivian Chu and HanhLinh Ho Tran – brought our members exciting new angel investment opportunities throughout the year. 

In total, we invested more than $220K in five diverse women-founded…

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Meet the Angels: Tasha Crawford-Jones


Tasha Crawford-Jones, founder of Twenty39, is a longtime member of Citrine Angels and one of our board representatives. Learn more about her, and her best advice for new angel investors, below!

Why did you join Citrine Angels?

I joined Citrine Angels at the very beginning to learn more about angel investing and have access to better opportunities than I was seeing on my own. I also wanted to support women founders and thought Citrine would be a good group to do that with. I had met many women …

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Portfolio Company Spotlight: Healium


Healium is an augmented and virtual reality treatment designed to help people relax and reduce stress. The technology blends storytelling, neuroscience, and game design to promote self-management of stress, sleep, and human performance. It is designed to work as an app or with wearable technology such as googles or EEG headbands. 

Traction for Healium continues to grow exponentially, with the company regularly in the news as a key meditation tool. The NFL Players’ Association recently awarded H…

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Meet the Angels: Lisa Conners Vogt


Lisa Conners Vogt, founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting, recently joined Citrine Angels after attending pitch meetings as a guest last year. Learn more about her, as well as her upcoming plans to live in Paris for a month!

Why did you join Citrine Angels? 

I joined Citrine in March 2022 after attending meetings as a guest in 2021. I joined to be more immersed in the startup world and to be in community with women who are big thinkers and risk takers – this includes Citrine members an…

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