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Citrine Angels is a membership group providing early-stage investment opportunities and education to female investors interested in supporting female-founded startups 

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Our Mission

We support the growth and success of female-founded businesses and increase access to investment opportunities for women

What We Do

We provide a structure and process to assist accredited investors make early-stage investments in female-founded companies and provide investor education to our members

woman angel investor

Executive Committee

 Our management team has prior angel investing experience and substantial business acumen, as well as enthusiasm for our mission. See our full board here.

Stephanie Marshall

Board President

Founder, M3 Advisors 

Investor/Advisor:  Portfolia, SheEO, Backstage Capital, Gaingels, The W Fund,

Former Corporate Executive

American University, BA

UMD Smith School of Business, MBA

Aurelia Flores

Board Secretary

Investment Director, Virginia Venture Partners

Managing Member, Athena Digital Media Group

Former Corporate & IP Attorney

Get Found Get Funded Podcast Co-Host

Speaker, Judge, Mentor: Village Capital, Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, SEED SPOT, HERImpact, VCIC

Colorado College, BA

Stanford Law School, JD


Lisa Friedlander

Advancement Committee Chair

Chief Revenue Officer, NEXT Powered by Shulman Rogers

Former Corporate Attorney

Co-Founder, Activity Rocket

Speaker, Judge, Mentor:  Halcyon, Seed Spot, HeraHub, DMV Top 100, Wharton Initiative, PitchMasters, EWI

University of Pennsylvania, BA

American University Law School, JD

Neidy Horsby


Founder and CEO, Noir IP
Florida State University, BA
St Thomas University, JD


Russell Makepeace


Finance Committee Chair

CFO, International Lifeline Fund

25 years Financial Services Experience - US, Asia, EU

Co-Founder, JAR Properties

Murdoch University, B.Comm

Deakin University, MBA


Michelle Olenoski

Deal Flow Committee Chair

Senior Director of Product, Capital One

Pennsylvania State University, BS

Stanford University Graduate School of Business, MBA

Kristalee Overdahl

 Governance Committee Chair
Portfolio Committee Co-Chair 

Principal and Founder, Virescent Group

Founder, Girls for Good

Former Management Consultant, A.T. Kearney, Accenture

Princeton University, BSE

Chicago Booth, MBA

Alla Solovyeva

Membership Committee Chair

Asset Manager, Worthington Group (commercial real estate)


Barb White

Portfolio Committee Chair

Founder and CEO, The Avoka Group

Johns Hopkins University, BA

Our Sponsors

Venture Sponsors

Seed Sponsors

Founder Sponsors

Citrine Angels is a proud member of the Angel Capital Association.

aca logo 2021